Ready for the hackathon?
2 minutes reading
February 1st is coming, are you sure you’re ready? No? Here’s some information that might help you.
Up and running
The Vue Storefront setup is incredibly simple. The fastest way to get the project done locally is the user-friendly installation
described in the official documentation.
Make sure you have node updated to 8 or higher on your machine. During the installation wizard you will be asked to use
as the backend.
Answer yes if you intend to work only on the storefront. In just a few minutes you will have your own version of vue storefront running on http://localhost:3000
If you also want to install Vue Storefront API, you need to use Docker which will automatically start not only vue-storefront-api but also the instances of ElasticSearch and Kibana. The procedure is described here in the official documentation. Vue Storefront Api provides a command to directly import sample data, this will save you the time to install magento and index products in ElasticSearch.
That’s all :)
To start contributing, fork the repository and checkout the develop branch. Make a feature branch for each issue, and when you are happy with your work you can do a pull request on the develop branch of the official repository.
We look forward to see you on February 1st 2019 at Eataly Smeraldo convention center in Milan
From the central station just take the green line (M2) for a couple of stops direction Abbiategrasso.
The schedule of the event
10:00–10:30 — Welcome and kick off
10:30–13:00 — Coding
13:00–14:00 — Pizza break
14:00–17:30 — More intense coding
17:30–18:00 — Recap and YouTube livestream
18:00 — Beer + networking
Remote partecipation
It’s also possible to participate even remotely. Join our Slack channel
Whether you attend live, or remotely, get in touch with us via slack, twitter or whatever.
Happy coding!
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Irene Iaccio☝ Ti piace quello che facciamo? Unisciti a noi!