5th Vuestorefront Hackaton
1 minute reading
We couldn’t wait to announce the first Vue Storefront Hackathon in Italy, after the big success of the other 4 hackatons organised by Divante in Poland! 🎉 Bitbull and Eataly are proud to host the event on Friday February 1st at Eataly Smeraldo convention center in Milan + remotely!
Vue Storefront is a production ready, standalone Progressive Web Application storefront for ecommerce that works with any back-end (eg. Magento, Prestashop or Shopify).
If you’re new to VueStorefront, don’t worry, you can join the training session for developers. And all is absolutely for free! Don’t miss this unique opportunity to get experience under the core team guidance and sign up for this great event in Italy!
Check out the official Vue Storefront website to find out more. The next milestone - version 1.7 - is waited for mid January and will focus on performance. Stay updated on GitHub.
The schedule:
10:00–10:30 — Welcome and kick off
10:30–13:00 — Coding
13:00–14:00 — Pizza break
14:00–17:30 — More intense coding
17:30–18:00 — Recap and YouTube livestream
18:00 — Beer + networking
The core front-end team will be available for questions on the Slack channel. Just use this invite link.
See you in Milan! 🙌
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